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Arnica Montana

From the homeopathic pharmacopoeia

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About the Preparation -

  Preparation name Arnica Montana  
  Preparation category Homoeopathic remedy  
  Manufacturer's name  
  Natural Order Compositae  
  Common Name Leopard's bane  
  Latin Name  
  Chemical Formula  
  Mother tincture made Tincture - whole plant  
  General description "Grows in the Alps and other mountains. Arnica is a first aid remedy par excellence; trauma in all forms and varieties, pests, pruning. Transplants and mechanical injury will be met by Arnica as by no other remedy. Arnica may not be sprayed onto open wounds as it will cause inflammation and suppuration. Arnica has been used extensively for the indications with good results. Tumours on trees as a result of wrong pruning, even cancerous growths can be healed, provided they are the result of some form of injury. Pruning wounds that ooze sap. Root damage after transplants, after hail, when damaged leaves become yellow or red as in deciduous trees in autumn. "  

Effect on plants -

Named Issues
After transplants or pruning. Do not use on open wounds. Plants both transplanted and pruned cannot be given Arnica; these should be treated with Calendula (see Calendula). (3)
Physical injuries: root physical harm, damage to the transplant, storm damage, swelling, hard red, Anthracnose coleotrichum gloeosporioides, loss of epidermis, swelling. (244)
Transplants (334)
Root damage (496)
Injury (337)
Pruning (337)
Tree transplanting (496)
Weak and battered (496)
Oil production (1700)
Fungi (1707)
Root cuttings (1722)
Rooting (1746)
Seedling development (1757)
Root rot fungi (1790)
Stress (1837)
General Appearance
Tumours on trees as a result of wrong pruning, even cancerous growths can be healed, provided they are the result of some form of injury. Pruning wounds that ooze sap. Weeping wounds after pruning. Water Arnica in on the roots. Rotting grafts, tumours on old wounds, especially on large trees where large limbs leave big scars. Scar tissue soft and spongy with rotting pulp underneath. Swellings hot, hard, shiny, red, bluish or yellow spots. Yellow spots caused by bruises or disease, eruption of small raised spots as in yellow rust. (3)
A dahlia ... looked battered and weak... it was treated with Arnica 30 C. ... watered it once with 5 pellets dissolved in 1 litre of water. The same evening ... the plant had begun to straighten and had started to bloom. This continued right through the summer. (496)
Transplant damage (1531)
Yield (1775)
Root damage after transplants (3)
FYI, the arnica seemed to work well with the transplants. I haven't lost a one! (334)
We pruned and poured Arnica 30C once over a cherry laurel (sometimes called an English laurel) that we had already presumed unlikely to survive a harsh winter and transplanting (roots badly damaged). It recovered magnificently. (496)
Late last spring, at the end of May with all the plants in full bud, I sold three valuable trees - a yew, a special maple, and a Gleditsia. They were to be transplanted to a customer's garden around the middle of July. I wanted to dig up the trees immediately and put them in a tub, watered with Arnica 30 C (3 to 4 pellets in 10 L water). The weather was slightly overcast and therefore ideal. A week later I returned to the plant nursery and saw that the trees had still not been dug up. And they had therefore continued budding for another week. Our two gardeners said I was crazy to even think of digging up large trees at this time of year - they flatly refused to follow my orders. I insisted they did so and said I would take full responsibility if the trees later failed to thrive. So the plants were dug up, carefully treated, and watered with Arnica 30 C (for the shock of transplanting and to heal wounds). One week later we also watered them with Calendula 30 C (3-4 pellets in 10 L water) to encourage better root formation. The trees showed no signs of weakness at all. In mid-July they were loaded up for transplantation. One of the gardeners called me over and said I should really take a look at these trees. The new roots were simply fantastic! I felt a surge of pride. The trees were transported in the heat of summer and the next day they were planted in the new location. They looked as if they had already been there for a year. Arnica and Calendula are my main remedies. We have had great success with pricking out (transplantation of seedlings), repotting, and transplantation in general - the plants settle in and the wounds heal better. (496)
Results indicated that treated seeds of mung bean, sunflower, okra and mash bean with pure homeopathic drugs (100% v/v) by A. montana and T. occidentalis (30C) showed complete germination (100%), greater root length and excellent inhibition of root infecting pathogens (1707)
Root cuttings - Plant homeopathic treatments had a significant effect on fresh and dry mass of the above ground part. A 92,9% rate of rooted cuttings was obtained, and only as of 14 days were dead cuttings, senescent leaves and new shoots observed. (1722)
Were obtained 71% of alive cuttings and 56,7% of rooted cuttings. The presence of leaves in cuttings of Mikania glomerata favored the emergence of roots. The homeopathic prepared by Arnica montana can contribute to rooting of Mikania glomerata cuttings reducing shocks and traumas in cuttings. (1746)
the number of shoots, the length of the largest root, the percentage of sets and the quality of stakes were assessed. Data were analyzed through variance analysis, mean were compared by Tukey’s test at 5% level of statistical significance. Arnica montana 3cH, 6cH and 12cH had a stimulatory effect on all variables regarding the issuance of roots in both species studied, showing the similarity of this homeopathic preparation to the physiological picture arising from the process of cutting, promoting an increase in the percentage and quality of roots. (1751)
Observations showed that A. montana ... (30Q) when used in 100% v/v concentration not only improved plant growth but showed complete inhibition of root rot fungi like R. solani, M. phaseolina and Fusarium spp. followed by 75 and 50% v/v concentrations which also enhanced plant growth and showed maximum inhibition in both leguminous and non-leguminous plants by using seed treatment and soil drenching methods, respectively. (1790)
Stem/trunk and bark - capillary system
Leakage of sap. The plant-sap flows easily. (244)
... brilliant blue delphinium but ... the main stalk snapped... ... Arnica 200C ... Next day .. the delphinium was standing upright. The damaged area looked slightly brown, but the plant was blooming again. (337)
After pruning back cankerous wood (337)
Improves circulation. (337)
After hail, when damaged leaves become yellow or red as in deciduous trees in autumn. (3)
Damage to the plant either by cutting, pruning or natural causes such as hail or winds. (244)
Arnica montana at 6CH and 30CH ... increased the dry mass. (1780)
Leaf curl from stress on the plant, damage, pruning, and transplanting. Give Arnica followed by Calendula 48 hrs. later for these events. (1810)
I gave the cut flowers a few doses of Arn.6C and one dose of Phos.12C and they are still healthy after more than a month. They are healthy while wilting, or rather, the petals are browning and some parts of the gerbera are mouldy, but the overall impression is that they are hard and firm. Chrysanthemum flowers are long-lived by nature, and it's winter now, so I think it's a time when they tend to last longer than in summer, but I realised it had been a month. I'm a bit scared rather than happy (1787)
Generative organs
The preparation Arnica montana 12DH increased the tomato yield under field conditions. (1775)
Coumarin content of the plants was increased in the case of .. Arnica montana by 42.16%, when compared to the control material. (1700)
Arnica montana 9x increased 5.9% the seed germination when compared with distilled water. (1754)
Notes and Academic Papers
A useful polychrest for physical injuries, damage to the plant either by cutting, pruning or natural causes such as hail or winds. It also solves problems of de-adaptation of plants for bio-transplant or sudden change of temperature conditions, concerns matismos mechanical trauma, leakage of sap, branches or root cuttings. Has a strong left sided. Worsens with the slightest friction and damp cold. (244)
Arnica with aconite for repotting for damaged transplants (1531)
... tested seeds treated with 75 and 50% v/v concentrations (prepared from 30C) by homeopathic drugs, respectively recorded significant increase in germination, root length and maximum zone of inhibition. (1707)
In the development of analysis it was observed that in almost all parameters evaluated the medicine Carbo vegetabillis 6CH, followed by Calcarea carbonica 12CH, Silicea terra 12CH, Phosphorus 12CH, Pulsatilla nigricans 12CH and the preparation of Acai 12CH contributed to a better performance of the seedlings. (1757)
compared to placebo, the amount and proportion of amino acids has significantly varied, showing a statistical effect on the germination and seedling growth of the rice, as well as the stress conditions caused by the sterilization process, seedlings entrance into the light and their transition into hydroponic culture medium. (1758)
Damage after hail, storm, or wind. Signs of breakage, broken stalks, limbs, etc. Promotes healing. (1810)
It is the most recommended homeopathic preparation in cases of stress (transplant shock, sprouting, thinning, crops that damage the branches, water deficiency, sudden damage by insects/frost). (1837)

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